Finance Fundamentals

For Food Entrepreneurs

The proven system for transforming your food business from struggling to survive to profitability machine

Have You Ever Wondered...

"How On Earth Are they Making Money??"

If you've been working your butt off trying to grow your food business, it can be frustrating to look at other similar businesses knocking it out of the park ... when you're stuck barely scraping by, and struggling to get the results you want.

You're Not Alone.

This is a tough industry.

Profit margins are razor-thin in the food world...

You could be the most talented chef out there ... bake delicious sourdough bread, construct the perfect apple tart, create award-winning handmade candies, decorate the most gorgeous, intricate wedding cakes…

....and still not make it in the competitive food industry.

Throw a global pandemic in the mix? 

Well, there’s a completely NEW level of complexity to worry about.

the truth:

You know you need to be focused on "the business side of things" just as much as your amazing products ... but you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed and distracted.

You barely have time to keep up with production ... and it's really starting to catch up with you.

It's time to take a step back.

I'll be honest with you --

Most folks WON'T do the work.

Especially when they're just starting out, most entrepreneurs basically guess at how they should price their menu items...and don't even begin to think about forecasting their sales, budgeting for profit, or even paying themselves

They're throwing spaghetti at the wall, and hoping something sticks.

This is an unsustainable way to run a business -- and I know, because I did the same thing when we first opened our bakery!

I Understand Where You're At Right Now...

...and I can totally empathize with you.

It can be scary to look critically at your business finances, because the picture might not be pretty. And, the thought of taking corrective action is overwhelming and often confusing

Where do you even start?

It's often easier to just keep cooking ... not worry about "the numbers", and cross your fingers that you'll scrape by another month. 

I's sort of worked so far, right? 😬😬😬

But Just For A Second ... Picture This:

I want you to imagine (just for a second) what it would be like to earn consistent income in your business.

What would it be like to... able to call your shots, and predict your revenue and profits every single month?

...stop worrying about whether you can pay your vendors, make the rent payment, or afford payroll this week? yourself a consistent salary and living wage? your family, stop working ALL the time, and truly enjoy running your business? for emergencies, so you're not constantly worried that the next surprise repair is going to put you out of business?

...get back to doing what you LOVE ... the real reason you started this business in the first place -- For the love of cooking delicious food, and sharing it with friends, family, and your community?

It's time ... and you're ready.

You Have To Get Serious About Your Finances.

If you don't, you're never going to get past feeling over-worked, burned out, and under-paid.

Take A Look At These:

Our 2017 income statement (left image below) shows we LOST money ... spent WAY too much on ingredients and supplies, and made TONS of other mistakes when it came to managing our finances (not to mention I wasn't even getting paid...ugh)

Contrast that to 2020 (right image): We wrapped up an incredibly challenging year with a 13% profit margin, rewarded all our employees with holiday bonuses, finished paying off our business loan, AND I was able to pay myself a regular salary every 2 weeks.

YES - This is what it's all about!!!

Imagine what life would look like, if you had time to focus on the creative + fun side of your business again...
There is a way ... keep scrolling >>

Finance Fundamentals for Food Entrepreneurs

The Most Comprehensive Online Program To Help You Transform Your Business From Struggling To Survive To A Profitability Machine

Here's exactly what's included in the e-course...

The complete, 5-module system to pull your business out of its financial rut, and transform your budget into a profitability machine...

Module 1 - Reveal:

the foundations of food business finance

→ Learn to use a Profit & Loss statement to track your expenses every month (plus a template for tracking your business budgets)

→ By the end of this module, you'll have a complete P&L statement for your business (and our handy P&L template will automatically color-code the cost categories needing further adjustment - nice!)


Module 2 - UNDERSTAND:

mastering your profit-centered budget plan.

→ By the end of this lesson, you'll have a deep understanding of the 4 cost categories you need to budget for, and exactly how much $$$ to allocate to each cost category

→ How to use your recipe costing data to identify savings opportunities and pricing gaps that cause profit-killing leaks in your budget

→ Where to set your product prices and how to use food cost data to make important pricing decisions for your business


Module 3 - Transform:

mapping your plan for long-term financial health

→ In this module, you'll learn exactly what levers to pull to get your product, overhead, and labor costs under control if you're over-spending

→ How to perform a labor analysis for your food business, and use concrete financial data to make hiring & salary decisions

→ Commercial cost-saving strategies for building an efficient production budget

→ Creating a profitable product mix, and effectively tracking your food cost budget


Module 4 - Value vs. price

shifting your sales mindset

→ The difference between price and value, with practical strategies you can incorporate to your marketing process to communicate the value of your product to your customer at every interaction point

→ How to shift the conversation from the price you’re charging, to the value you are providing your customer (plus a worksheet to help you tell that story to your customers)

→ The importance of shifting your sales mindset…and the transformative effect that will have on your business revenue $$$


MOdule 5 - Advanced Pricing Strategies

The psychology of price - including how to: 

→ Position your product to make price irrelevant for your buyer

→ Raise your prices without irritating your customers or scaring folks away with a “too high” price tag (plus sample scripts for responding to difficult pricing feedback)

→ Approach discounts, sales, and coupons

→ Properly price your products for wholesale (so that you continue to make money and stop feeling like wholesale is “discounting”)

…and more

Just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how much i enjoy your videos and Q&A sessions. Although i cannot be there live, so appreciate that i can come back and watch the recordings. Your insight/knowledge has been invaluable to me as i get my business going as i jump into the next level.

So grateful that i found you on FB - I had taken biz classes for the food industry before, but yours have really been incredibly helpful!!

Keep up that great work!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with all of us!!

- Genevieve M.

Check Out These Incredible Included Bonuses...

In addition to the entire Finance Fundamentals program, I'm also going to give you these bonuses to kick-start your business profitability growth.

Bonus #1 -

Online In An Afternoon E-Course ($197 Value)

In this day and age, a strong and effective web presence is non-negotiable. This bonus e-course teaches you how to create and launch your business website, so you can increase your reach, and start taking online orders.

PLUS, you'll receive my Online In An Afternoon resource guide, with information on the exact software & tools I use in my business and recommend.

Bonus #2 -

Email Marketing for Food Business Owners E-Course ($247 Value)

This e-course guides you through using email marketing as an effective & easy sales and marketing tool for your food business. You'll walk away from this course with:

  • The tools & instruction for setting up email marketing software for your business,
  • "Done for You" email templates so you know exactly what to send your customers (and when),
  • Strategies for getting customers signed up for your email list (plus a sign-up sheet printable for using in-store or at markets and events)
  • ...and more!

Bonus #3 -

The $17K in 14 Days Case Study($97 Value)

Every Thanksgiving, we use email marketing to pre-sell our holiday menu. In 2020, we pre-sold nearly $17,000 in pies and pastries in less than 2 weeks - using email marketing exclusively! I schedule our marketing e-mails to go out automatically, and the entire process could not be more stress-free and easy to execute.

If you're not already using email marketing for your food business, you NEED to read this case study to get inspired & motivated to start TODAY!

Bonus #4 -

Weekly Q&A Coaching Sessions ($1997 Annual Value)

Get answers to your questions as you move through the program, and stay accountable to your progress while you work on growing and improving your business. I host weekly Q&A coaching sessions, and you get lifetime access to these weekly calls for FREE when you join Finance Fundamentals today!

Bonus #5 -

Private Student Community Access ($997 Annual Value)

Our private, students-only Facebook group is filled with hundreds of entrepreneurs from all over the country who are also committed to growing their profitable food businesses ... it is a great place to get support from other business owners, ask questions, network, and share ideas in a supportive & creative environment.

Finance Fundamentals for Food Entrepreneurs

The most comprehensive online program to help you transform your business from struggling to survive to a profitability machine

You get all of this when you join:

The Complete Finance Fundamentals Profitability E-Course (5 modules, video lessons, downloadable worksheets, templates, & more) - $997 Value

Weekly Live Q&A Sessions for real-time support with Meg - $1997 Annual Value

Access to our exclusive student community for peer-to-peer accountability - $997 Annual Value

Email Marketing for Food Business Owners E-Course: How To Use Email Marketing To Grow Your Revenue With Ease - $247 Value

Email With Ease Template Bundle: Plug & Play Scripts & Templates to Sell Over Email - $67 Value

Online In An Afternoon E-Course: Taking Your Food Business Online With Ease - $197 Value

Tools & Tech Resource Guide: My Recommendations For Taking Your Biz Online - $27 Value

The $17K in 14 Days Case Study: How We Pre-Sold $17,000 in Less Than 2 Weeks - $97 Value

Labor Costing Masterclass: Mastering Your Payroll Budget for You & Your Team - $297 Value

Where Does The Time Go?: Using A Time Study To Troubleshoot Labor Budget Leaks - $147 Value

Total Value = $5070

Today's Price = $997

→ What makes finance fundamentals for Food Entrepreneurs different?

Timeless Strategy
You'll learn proven strategies and business finance fundamentals that will stand the test of time...whether you are applying what you learn tomorrow, or 5 years down the road. 
Accountability & Guidance
I don’t want you to buy this program and just let it collect dust in your inbox. When you enroll, you’ll get access to our students-only Facebook group and weekly Live coaching sessions, so you can stay on track and get ongoing support and guidance as you grow your business
Happiness Guarantee
Give the course a try for 14 days … if you’re not delighted and impressed with the course materials, support, and allllll the bonus materials, just let me know and I’ll be happy to issue you a refund!
Lifetime Access
Access to the course materials for the lifetime of the course, so you can watch at your own pace, whenever, & wherever you want (you’ll also get access to any updates or additional resources I add to the course in the future, at no additional charge to you)
Don't just take my word for it...

Here's what some of our former students had to say about the program...

"You will enjoy this course!"

"I took the class right around the time all of this COVID started happening in preparation to opening my bakery. We work out of a commissary kitchen and do late night dessert delivery - my city has loved it!

In just two months we have grossed $44,000. Before we launched I made sure all of my margins were looking good before going into something I had no clue about - you will enjoy this course! & don’t let what’s happening in the world devalue just how important a delicious baked treat is. 🍪🖤"

Gage L.

Owner, BreaÜxdoo Bakery

spokane, wa

"This is a great class!"

"This is a great class. Meg is passionate about helping new bakers by teaching pricing basics. Good class for any food based biz, my candy biz really benefitted from the insights & experience that Meg shared."

Anita B.

Owner, Sunset Bay Candy Co.

Vista, CA

building a profitable business doing what you love is possible.

You already know people LOVE your food, and you have the motivation & drive to build a business sharing your talents with others.

Think about how excited and proud you will be when you reach within yourself and turn that passion into a thriving, profitable business!

If you're not happy, then I'm not happy!

I’m a small business owner just like you ... so, I understand that you work hard for your money and don’t want to waste it on products and programs that don't meet your expectations.

I also know that anyone who signs up for my program and implements these strategies + tactics will be thrilled with their results!

While I can't guarantee you'll be retired on a tropical island any time soon, I do guarantee you will be satisfied with the quality of the course materials, workshops, community, and support you receive in this the enormous amount of time, energy, and stress this will save you as you grow your business!

Bottom Line - If you're not happy with the program, e-mail me within 7 days and I will issue you a full refund - no questions asked.

Finance Fundamentals for Food Entrepreneurs

The most comprehensive online program to help you transform your business from struggling to survive to a profitability machine

You get all of this when you join:

The Complete Finance Fundamentals Profitability E-Course (5 modules, video lessons, downloadable worksheets, templates, & more) - $997 Value

Weekly Live Q&A Sessions for real-time support with Meg - $1997 Annual Value

Access to our exclusive student community for peer-to-peer accountability - $997 Annual Value

Email Marketing for Food Business Owners E-Course: How To Use Email Marketing To Grow Your Revenue With Ease - $247 Value

Email With Ease Template Bundle: Plug & Play Scripts & Templates to Sell Over Email - $67 Value

Online In An Afternoon E-Course: Taking Your Food Business Online With Ease - $197 Value

Tools & Tech Resource Guide: My Recommendations For Taking Your Biz Online - $27 Value

The $17K in 14 Days Case Study: How We Pre-Sold $17,000 in Less Than 2 Weeks - $97 Value

Labor Costing Masterclass: Mastering Your Payroll Budget for You & Your Team - $297 Value

Where Does The Time Go?: Using A Time Study To Troubleshoot Labor Budget Leaks - $147 Value

Total Value = $5070

Today's Price = $997

Pleased to meet you!

My name is Meg, and my sister Molly and I co-own Spilt Milk Pastry in Oak Park, IL. That's me in the photo with the baby on board 😅

I started Bakery Business Academy in 2019 to help other food entrepreneurs do what we did - build a successful food business ... even if you don't have a business background!

I have experienced first-hand what it is like to transition from an aspiring food entrepreneur struggling to make ends meet, to a successful business owner running a profitable & impactful business that is a pillar in our community.

More than anything, I want that for you as well.

If you're a cottage baker, home cook, chef, or baker dreaming of starting or growing a successful and profitable food owe it to yourself to take the risk-free plunge and try this program out. 

I am confident it will make a huge difference in your business and life.

Not sure if this is the right program for you?

Finance Fundamentals for Food Entrepreneurs is NOT for everyone, so in the interest of respecting your time and resources, I'd like to tell you who will benefit MOST from this program:


  • Food Entrepreneurs who struggle with business profitability, and aren't yet earning a predictable, sustainable profit in their business every month.

  • New Business Owners who have recently started a new business, and are eager to get their pricing + messaging right from the beginning, so you can start turning a profit as soon as possible

  • ​Those who are looking for a program that can grow WITH their business, and receive ongoing support and guidance as they continue to grow 


  • Folks in the fine dining industry - this program is geared towards those who own bakeries, cafes, coffee shops, catering businesses, candy shops, and other fast-casual or grab-and-go concepts rather than fine dining establishments.

  • People who do not yet have businesses - this program is geared toward business owners who already are operating, and not meant for people looking for help opening a brand new business. (I have other programs that would be a better fit if this describes you!)
you asked

Still have a few questions about the program & how it all works? Check out answers to our students' most frequently asked questions...

What exactly is included with the program?

When you enroll in Finance Fundamentals for Food Entrepreneurs, you'll get access to the digital e-course course that comes with video lessons, downloadable worksheets, spreadsheets and support files – everything you'll need to build a healthy financial foundation for your food business.

You'll also get access to the entire bonus package, plus access to our private, students-only Facebook group and weekly Q+A sessions with Meg.

Is this program live, or pre-recorded?


All of the class materials are recorded, and this is a self-paced program you can watch at your convenience. Your access to the program doesn't expire, so you can watch again and again if you need a refresher on the materials.

Meg also shows up Live in the student group every week for our student Q+A sessions. These are like mini coaching sessions and lessons - an opportunity to get your questions answered, and stay accountable as you grow your business.

What if i don't like the program?

I stand by my guarantee.

If (for whatever reason) you decide the program isn't for you, simply email me within 7 days of purchase for a full refund ... no questions asked.

With that said - I do stand behind my programs 100% and am committed to my students' success. If you need help along the way, please reach out to me! I never want you to feel lost or like you don't have the support you need. I am here to help you every step of the way!

now is the time for your business to thrive.

If you price your products correctly, and focus your energy on production, marketing, & sales...

You will be able to make the price of this course back in profits ten times over in a matter of weeks.

You can’t afford NOT to learn the information I will teach you in this class!

Finance Fundamentals for Food Entrepreneurs

The most comprehensive online program to help you transform your business from struggling to survive to a profitability machine

You get all of this when you join:

The Complete Finance Fundamentals Profitability E-Course (5 modules, video lessons, downloadable worksheets, templates, & more) - $997 Value

Weekly Live Q&A Sessions for real-time support with Meg - $1997 Annual Value

Access to our exclusive student community for peer-to-peer accountability - $997 Annual Value

Email Marketing for Food Business Owners E-Course: How To Use Email Marketing To Grow Your Revenue With Ease - $247 Value

Email With Ease Template Bundle: Plug & Play Scripts & Templates to Sell Over Email - $67 Value

Online In An Afternoon E-Course: Taking Your Food Business Online With Ease - $197 Value

Tools & Tech Resource Guide: My Recommendations For Taking Your Biz Online - $27 Value

The $17K in 14 Days Case Study: How We Pre-Sold $17,000 in Less Than 2 Weeks - $97 Value

Labor Costing Masterclass: Mastering Your Payroll Budget for You & Your Team - $297 Value

Where Does The Time Go?: Using A Time Study To Troubleshoot Labor Budget Leaks - $147 Value

Total Value = $5070

Today's Price = $997

so, let me ask you this -

Are you ready to build a profitable, sustainable, & successful food business?!

Listen … I get it.

Getting a handle on your food business finances does take time and energy. 

But ... getting "the money stuff" in order is going to make the difference between chasing your tail, working yourself to the bone, and barely making ends meet … 


building a sustainable, fun, and profitable business that supports you AND your family.

There are SO many talented cooks and chefs out there who make beautiful, delicious, and creative food...but whose businesses are barely scraping by.

Do you ever wonder why that is?

It’s time to stop “flying by the seat of your pants” when it comes to your business finances, and instead put a simple, streamlined process in place that ensures you’re earning a profit, month after month. 


Finance Fundamentals for Food Entrepreneurs

The most comprehensive online program to help you transform your business from struggling to survive to a profitability machine

You get all of this when you join:

The Complete Finance Fundamentals Profitability E-Course (5 modules, video lessons, downloadable worksheets, templates, & more) - $997 Value

Weekly Live Q&A Sessions for real-time support with Meg - $1997 Annual Value

Access to our exclusive student community for peer-to-peer accountability - $997 Annual Value

Email Marketing for Food Business Owners E-Course: How To Use Email Marketing To Grow Your Revenue With Ease - $247 Value

Email With Ease Template Bundle: Plug & Play Scripts & Templates to Sell Over Email - $67 Value

Online In An Afternoon E-Course: Taking Your Food Business Online With Ease - $197 Value

Tools & Tech Resource Guide: My Recommendations For Taking Your Biz Online - $27 Value

The $17K in 14 Days Case Study: How We Pre-Sold $17,000 in Less Than 2 Weeks - $97 Value

Labor Costing Masterclass: Mastering Your Payroll Budget for You & Your Team - $297 Value

Where Does The Time Go?: Using A Time Study To Troubleshoot Labor Budget Leaks - $147 Value

Total Value = $5070

Today's Price = $997